So I thought I'd blog about my wonderful time this week since I'm sure you all were wondering
"have Chile and Ellie died?'
Well, I can assure you that we have not.
Unless of course, we are zombies,
but probably not...
So we have a funny story...
Ellie is in California. :)
She ditched the last day of high school to soak up the sun!
And of course I'm super jello over here trying to get a sun tan through the gray skies,
but I wish her the best trip
while she has been lounging about, I have been hanging out with Tea and other best friends.
We've gone on many adventures!
(adventure is out there!;)
And we might have had a picnic.
Oh and watched Ocean's 11. (That's an excellent movie btw.)
ANND stayed up a bit late at our sleepover of course!
We even did found some official hot dogs of the Seattle Mariners!
Tea and I also worked on a summer list,
oh yes,
it will be a good summer.
What a great week it has been.
So many choices... |
Well I hope you enjoyed a little bit of what we've been up to lately since we haven't posted in like FOREVER.
Love, Chile