
Oh Christmas Eve...

Today is Christmas Eve and in my house we have lots of traditions. We make sugar cookies, have a family talent show, and a white elephant gift exchange! This year I was lucky enough to win exquisite chocolates from my brother. I sadly didn't take a picture of them though.. I might have eaten them a bit too fast... anyways, here are some pictures from my lovely day. :) 

This is the gingerbread man that I decorated for about 15 minutes. He is fully dressed in a tuxedo, a red bow tie, and a top hat.

Christmas talent show! Those are 3 of my brothers and  my brother's girlfriend. 

Hahahahaha oh the white elephant gift exchange... 

What's really cool about this mask is that it spoke and had a voice modulator . Coolest gift ever? I think so. 

Merry Christmas everyone! 
